Friday, May 14, 2010

When A 2 Year Old Dresses Himself

Parents are supposed to foster independence. Sometimes I think that toddler independence will be what kills me though. The constant "no, I do it!" drives me up the wall sometimes.

Chase's new favorite thing to do is getting himself dressed. We've let the boys pick out their clothes (95% of the time) for a few months now. Lately though that isn't enough. No, now they not only want to pick their clothes but they want to struggle for 15 minutes to put them on. Heaven forbid we try to help them too!

Yesterday, Chase proudly dressed himself. Here's what he looked like...

Just in case you didn't take the time to read my lovely photo captions, his shirt was on backwards, his underwear was on backwards (which you obviously can't see in this picture), his pants were unbuttoned and his shoes were on the wrong feet. Know how he topped it all off? Yep, he put his pull-over fleece on backwards too.

Tyler's coat was on backwards too. Know what this mom did? I took them to the McDonald's Play Place like that anyway! I'm sure the other moms wondered if I was even capable of driving considering I clearly couldn't dress my own children. That's ok though - my not even 3 year old boys can use the potty on their own and get dressed on their own, and for that I'm quite proud!


Amanda said...

Cute photos. I have to agree this independent streak that comes with 2 is enough to drive you crazy.

breckholladay said...

sometimes I get told to go change my shirt because it just isn't right.

Brenda B. said...

OMG too funny! And the best part is that you let them out like that. I keep saying I'll do that too, but I wonder if I'll cave....

So did they ever get put on right?

freckletree said...

looks just like me this morning.

Unknown said...

Oh, this is just too funny! I remember your brother insisting on doing it himself - can't imagine waiting for 3 of them to dress themselves. I'm proud of you for taking them out like that - I doubt I did.

E said...

Ha! Such a cutie! I am trying to imagine how hard I would be laughing if I saw him at McDonalds dresssed like that! Too funny!

Dana said...

I love this :) It literally made me LOL. How did you add those notes to your picture?!

-Dana (Dundie)

Helen said...

Dana, I used PhotoShop to add the text to the picture!

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