Yesterday the newest member of the family arrived at our home. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my birthday gift....
*sigh* Isn't it lovely? That is a Nikon 35mm lens! Woo! A couple of months ago I borrowed a 50mm lens from a photographer friend and I loved it, even though it wouldn't auto focus on my camera. The 35mm is the equivalent of the 50mm I borrowed, but it's made for my camera. So what's so special about this lens?
Special thing #1 - it will allow me to take much better flash-free pictures inside.
Special thing #2 - I can make the background in photos super blurry which makes the subject really pop. Example?
Thank you, Chase, for showing us all your belly. Anyway, as soon as the mailman arrived yesterday (very late I might add) I was at the door waiting for him to hand me the box from Amazon. Then I promptly shooed the boys outside for a little practice photo shoot! I managed to snap off about 80 pictures in the 10 minutes we were outside (a thunderstorm was rolling in, so we had to head inside). Here are a few of my favorites...
Tyler, Jackson & Chase
(it should be noted I posted this on FB last night and mentioned I was going to edit out the mud in Tyler's hair and scratches on Jackson's face and was met with protest - so there it all stays.)
Jackson & Tyler
It should be noted that I did not receive enough birthday money to pay for this lens. Instead I had to turn to SwagBucks. I've talked about SwagBucks here before, but in case you weren't paying attention let me tell you again.... SwagBucks is an amazingly easy way to earn free stuff. To help me buy this lens I cashed in SwagBucks for a $50 (yep, 5-0) gift card to and I used some PayPal cash ($20 to be exact) that I had earned through SwagBucks a month ago. That's $70 I was able to use towards my lens that I didn't have to actually pay for myself!
If you're not earning SwagBucks yet, sign up. You'll love it. (Click any of the "SwagBucks" words here or scroll all the way to the bottom of this page and click the banner.) In the last year or so I've cashed in enough SBs (SwagBucks) for $45 in cash, $20 in pre-paid Master Cards, a $10 Starbuck's Card and the $50 card. Not bad for a Stay At Home Mom, huh?
I have the same lens and use it all the time.
Gotta love Swagbucks, and dang those photos rock! I love your new lens :)
Great photos as usual. I have come to expect the very best from you. Thanks for the mud.
I have the Nikon D3000 also and just got the 35mm lens for my camera for my birthday too. I also used some swagbucks on amazon. So awesome! Great photos by the way.
I have a 2 year old boy and a 1 month old boy. WTG with potty training triplets. My little guy will go on the potty if he is naked, but just pees in his underwear or pullups if they are on. If you have any tips or tricks I would love to hear them.
I also just joined your weight loss group on facebook. I need to lose my baby weight. :D
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