Last night Chase was cracking me up. The boys were all reading books in the playroom while I was getting dinner ready when I decided to walk back there and check in on them. As I neared the room I could hear Chase say "Baby Jesus is born!" I peaked into the room and saw Chase rocking his blanket back and forth. Upon further inspection I discovered he had wrapped a yellow spikey ball in the blanket! It was all I could do not to laugh! Instead I told the little man that he was awfully cute.
Chase then followed me out into the kitchen with his blanket wrapped ball and announced "Baby Jesus in the manger!" At first I couldn't figure out why he thought our kitchen was the manger, but then I realized (as I was cleaning up) that the manger piece for their Little People Nativity Set was on the floor by the kitchen door. Looks like the boys are picking up some info from their time in KiDS COR (what Sunday School is called at our church). Well done Early Childhood staff!
A little while later Chase got himself into some trouble and was sent to his room for a time out. When the timer went off 2 minutes later, he walked out of his room looking like this...

Glad your's are "getting it"! I pray our littles do and our big ones don't forget! Merry Christmas!
Blackmail pictures for future girlfriends/wife :) What a Ham!
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