Yesterday afternoon I was sitting on the couch wondering why on the earth the boys still sounded so wound up nearly an hour after going down for their naps. I decided I should peek in and lay down the law with them (because "the law" means so much to them right now). As I rounded the corner into their bedroom I was hit with a wave of stench. Uh oh...
Wow. Jackson and Tyler really like this new found skill they have (removing their own clothes). Apparently Chase was a captivated and encouraging audience for these two hooligans as well. Thankfully the bulk of the mess was contained to the two cribs, I must have reached them in time before they started smearing things on the wall (there was a little on Jackson's wall, but not too much). I guess Tyler thinks there's such a thing as too much human waste in a crib though, because in addition to what you see in his crib he also peed on the floor in front of his crib...

Oh my goodness!!! My daughter pulled her poopy diaper off once and flung it across the room, but wow yours take the cake! Joys of motherhood, right? :)
I had a child who smeared the wall..not once but twice. And he was closer to 3 at the time.
Good thing there are no pictures, he'd be mortified! hehehe.
Such a good thing you caught it in time. Once our tyler decided to smear his in the grooves of the crib rails - such the mess.
Jennifer, these pictures will be proudly displayed in their scrapbook for future use. Hehe!
MamaOtwins - oh my gosh! That had to have been TERRIBLE to clean! Gah!
Um, ewwww - and Haha at the same time. I love how proud Jackson was at his, um... achievement.
Here is one of those moments that seperates the girls from the boys..
My trio has done this too. However the girls will scream and CRY and won't go near it.. Joey on the other hand..
Well... you know ;)
Oh of my twins is really into the whole taking her clothes off and peeing and pooing everywhere. What is the deal with that??? I guess we have to go with the song, "your going to miss this"....I doubt but maybe!!
aaaah boys! this is gross but so hilarious at the same time! Please have these pictures printed in time to show their future brides!
holy flip helen.
what is the psychology behind this? that boys are so proud to peepoop all over? ahhh . . . boys. nothing is better than the smirk on his face.
they sure are lucky to have a mama like you.
I can almost smell it. Ewwwwww. Way to take pictures of it!
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