Monday, April 23, 2007

First Perinatal Appointment

Originally posted 4.23.07

Sorry it took me so long to get this update done - it was a crazy weekend!

Last Thursday (April 19th) Nick and I went for my first appointment at Midwest Perinatal. At this office I will see a team of 4 doctors throughout my pregnancy. Each month the doctors rotate their positions at the office, so one will do all ultrasounds, while one does deliveries, etc. The office staff seems very friendly and they put Nick and I at ease.

Considering my pregnancy is now considered "high risk", I will see the doctor every two weeks (which means there will be lots of updates to do!). At each appointment we will at least take a quick peak at the babies, so I'll be seeing a lot of these three over the coming months! We did do an ultrasound on Thursday and I've added the new pictures to the "UltraSound" album (the last three pictures are the new ones).

I had a lot of my questions answered, which was great. One that I wasn't thrilled with the answer to was in regards to bed rest. The doctor told me to plan like I'll be on bed rest at 24 weeks, but that I could last a bit longer than that. 24 weeks?! However, when you consider I won't go the full 40 weeks (or even close to it), it really won't be that long.

The doctor also said they get really excited if mom's of 3 can hold the babies in until 32 weeks or longer, which means these babies could easily arrive as early as the middle of August. Obviously the longer they have to develop before entering the world, the better - so please pray for a September delivery!

Another fun piece of information, it looks like the hospital we're delivering at gives parents of triplets a free triplet stroller! This is great news, as those huge things come with a huge price tag.

My next appointment is May 4th, so I'll update then!


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