Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend of Surprises

This past weekend was a 4 day weekend for Nick, so we decided to take advantage and do some extra special stuff with the boys. We simply told the boys there would be a "surprise" (or two!) that day and watched their faces light up in anticipation.

Saturday night was the first surprise. After church let out we dashed to a part of town we don't often visit and found there were thousands of others heading the same direction. After making the bold decision to follow some cars that seemed to be taking a short cut (which they were), we ended up at the park just in time. In time for what, you ask? To see a bunch of hot air balloons lift off!

 Nick and Jackson (a new favorite picture for sure!)

The boys were in awe of the balloons. We were so close (as you can tell in a couple of those pictures), and they loved cheering as each balloon lifted off and waving to the lucky people riding in the basket! They're still talking about the big balloons 3 days later. 

After the balloons we went to surprise #2; ice cream at Chick Fil A! By the time we got to Chick Fil A we were already an hour past bed time and it was beginning to get dark so the boys knew this was extra special. They made huge messes with their cones (which is why there are no pictures), but they loved it. It should be noted that when Chase and Tyler walked out of Chick Fil A with Nick they remarked that it must be early in the morning because it was getting dark. That tells you how early they've been waking up lately! Ha!

Surprise #3 of the weekend came Sunday afternoon when we took the boys to a nearby sprayground (a playground that sprays water everywhere for my family bumpkins in Maine that don't have such things). They hadn't been to a sprayground before and were a little unsure. Well, to be fair, really only Tyler and Jackson were unsure for a while. Chase jumped right in and started having fun!

Surprise #4 was yesterday morning when we packed up and headed to Aunt Laura's to take advantage of the pools in her apartment complex. They had a ball (of course) and were super excited to see Aunt Laura's cat, Marbles. I don't think Marbles felt the same way towards the boys though, because she took off to hide under Laura's bed as soon as the boys ran into the apartment. 

All in all? A super fun weekend that the boys won't forget for a long time!


Jen said...

Wow, you guys were busy! That's great! We took down a larger tree branch (about 1/4 of said tree)on Satyrday, wen't to church on Sunday and grilled out and relaxed the rest of the weekend.

It was hard to get moving for school this morning. (3 days left!!)

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

I have really fond memories of my parents doing "surprises" now and again. Sometimes they were really small...like an ice cream treat...but the anticipation was at least 1/2 the fun. I look forward to making such memories with our girls, too. :)

And that's a great picture of your son and hubby!

Esther said...

How fun. Your pictures of the balloons are gorgeous!

Brenda B. said...

Awesome shots of the balloons!

Unknown said...

Your family bumpkins???? Lest you have forgotten, we have no need for such man made contraptions. We have the best God created waterworks in the world - ocean, lakes, and rivers. Why have a cheap imitation when you have the real thing!

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of NIck and Jackson. I see a strong resemblence! You also take awesome pictures!

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