Yesterday's garage sale was a total bust. In the 6 hours I sat out front with my stuff only 4 people stopped and I made a whopping $3. Ouch! Good thing I did so well on Friday ($117)! I have no idea where people were yesterday; even the amount of traffic on our street was lighter than usual.
As I sat out front, Nick was brave and took the boys to their final swimming lesson and then to do my HyVee shopping! What a guy :) I didn't take a picture of what he bought at HyVee, but below is what I bought today at Hen House and Price Chopper. Everything below and what Nick bought at HyVee ran us $69.26.
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
HyVee Honey Wheat Pretzels
Bread - 2 loaves
Grape Jelly
Old Orchard Juices - 2 bottles
Quaker Granola Bars
Ronzoni Pasta - 3 boxes
Rold Gold Pretzels
1% Milk - 2 gallons
Diet Coke
Dasani Water
Organic Carrots - 2 bags (1 pound each)
Hen House:
McCormick's Grill Mates Seasonings - 2 bottles
KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce - 3 bottles
AlphaBits Cereal
Honeycomb Cereal
Belfonte Yogurt - 6 cups
American Cheese Singles - 2 packages
Sargento Cheese Sticks - 1 package of 12
Grass Fed Natural Ground Sirlion (90% lean) - 3.10 pounds
Bananas - 3.10 pounds
Price Chopper:
Crystal Farms Shredded Cheese - 3 bags
Eggs - 4 dozen
Minute Maid OJ - 3 cartons
Palermo's Pizza - 1
Kellogg's Pop Tarts - 3 boxes
Vitamin Water
A Word About Meat: I'm shifting my organic/all natural focus to meat. Last week Nick and I sat down and watched the movie Food Inc. If you haven't seen it yet, please do! I still believe organic dairy and produce is important, but with my limited budget I have to pick and choose what to buy. Food Inc had some eye opening stuff about meat, so Nick and I agreed to just buy organic or locally raised natural meat. It may mean we don't have meat as often, but I think the sacrifice is worth it for us. That being said, last week Whole Food's One Day Sale item was boneless skinless chicken thighs for $1.99 a pound. I went and bought almost 5 pounds worth. Have you ever tried natural or organic chicken? I don't know why exactly, but it tastes so much different! The texture is different and the flavor is different. Even Nick notices the difference.
The Deals: Ok, on to the deals. Now Nick bought a couple of items at HyVee that were not on my list, but that was to be expected, and he wasn't able to find a couple of items on my list. At HyVee he did pick up the Organic Carrots for .79 a bag (53% off), the Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Pasta for $1.25 (29% off) and the Old Orchard Juice for .99 each (50% off).
At Hen House today I cleaned up on some freebies and near freebies! The McCormick's Grill Mates were .28 each after my two coupons and the KC Masterpiece BBQ sauces were all free thanks to 3 coupons I had (actually, they paid me .01 for each of them)! The Grande Tortilla chips were .49 after my coupon and the Belfonte yogurts were .29 each. The Honeycomb was on sale but not a super deal and the AlphaBits weren't on sale at all. The boys wanted some cereal though (and we're out *gasp*) so I sprung the extra cash for them. The All Natural Ground Sirlion (90% lean) was $3.49 a pound so I bought 3 pounds to have on hand.
The Price Chopper I visited today was a Cosentino's Price Chopper and all Cosentino's PCs are celebrating their anniversary this week, so they have some extra special deals! One of the deals is Crystal Farm's shredded cheese for .99 a bag (limit 3). Pair that with the .55 off coupon in today's paper and you can get some cheap cheese! (I bought a second paper for that coupon as well as a few other high value ones I knew I would use.) Eggs are on sale for .68 a dozen, with no limit so I bought what my fridge could hold (another 4 dozen on top of what I already had here at home). Minute Maid OJ is $1.68 a carton and I had a $1 off coupon I got in a box of cereal. The Pop Tarts were .99 a box with a limit of 3 and I used my $1.25 off 3 coupon on that. Finally I snagged the Palermo's Pizza for .49 with my $1 off coupon.
Total Before Sales, Tax and Coupons: $119.45
Total After Sales and Coupons: $64.07 - 47% savings
Helen, I haven't seen the movie, but we do have a local poultry farm & I'm a HUGE fan of their meat. It's not THAT much more expensive & I think I'd do a better job not "over serving" with too big servings or wasting.
I agree that the taste and texture of the chicken is different! It is taking some getting used to for me...
You may already know this, but there is a terrific list of local, organic, and free range food producers at
I've never seen that site before, Emily! Thank you for sharing!
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