Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you our Christmas Card for 2009! My attempt at capturing a truly adorable photo of all three boys was a failure, so I went with Plan B (of course a week after printing our cards the boys gave me the gift of an awesome picture - figures). In case you can't see it in this scan of the card - the boys are each holding a letter that spells J-O-Y.
Following the card is our annual Christmas letter, written by Nick. Nick has written our Christmas letter every year (I think this is the 6th time we've done one) and I was a little concerned after so many years he would have a hard time entertaining the masses with his writing. I shouldn't have been worried!
A 2009 Christmas Rhyme
It's Christmas Time for The Giggling Five
So here comes our annual letter just to say hi
We hope this letter informs and entertains
It's been a great year, now let us explain
The 3 boys are crazy and wild
This summer in KC was really quite mild
In August we celebrated birthday #2
In November the boys made their first craft with glue
A swing set, sandbox, pool and a coaster
Were additions to our back yard
But keeping Ty's fingers out of the toaster
Can sometimes be very hard
Without his favorite blanket, Jackson begins to pout
Chik-Fil-A & Donald's are our favorite places to eat out
Chase is the leader
Ty is the brains
And one of our favorite trips
Was to Union Station to see some trains
When it comes to my wife
3 boys, Facebook, Diet Coke and a blog
Are just a few of the things that round out her life
In 2009 we discovered The Office, Babar & 3 Rivers
Are shows that never disappoint and always deliver
And now it's time to close out our page of rhymes
This was pretty hard, we probably won't do it next time
From our clan to your clan
Have an awesome Christmas, the best that you can!

Beautiful! Nick did a great job! Does Tyler really put his fingers in the toaster!? Goodness, I can't imagine! ;)
Great letter! And I am curious too - Ty's hands in the toaster? I missed that one.
LOL! Yes, he does like to play with the toaster (as do the other two sometimes). I have to always make sure the toaster is unplugged just in case I'm not in the kitchen when he pulls a chair up to check out what's on the counter. Thankfully he seems to be getting "over" the toaster as I haven't had to holler at him in a month or so now.
Your card is AWESOME! The picture of the boys on the bridge is the one that I hoped you'd choose--it's so much fun. :-)
What a cute card. I love the picture of the boys running across the bridge. The poem was great. I also wrote a poem for the Christmas card this year and I will agree it may not happen next year!!
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