Not-so-funny story... As I was putting this post together I got a call from Nick. He had left for work about 15 minutes earlier, so I wasn't sure why he would be calling me already. Turns out after he stopped for gas the car wouldn't restart and he needed the boys and me to rescue him. Doh! He called for a tow while I scrambled to get the boys ready and then we sat in the gas station parking lot waiting for the tow truck. Here's hoping the repair isn't too costly! All that to explain why this post is so late... Ok, onto the good stuff now!
Nick and I have never been big on buying bottled water anyway as we saw it as a rather large waste of money. We've always had a large water bottle for each of us that we would just refill each morning before we left for work (obviously I'm talking about my pre-kid days here). That being said, since staying home with the boys I've started slacking in how much water I've been drinking and I was really hopeful that the WaterWeek would help rectify that.
You know what? The WaterWeek did help me drink more water! My usual water bottles hold between 20 and 30 ounces of water. The WaterWeek holds just 16. For some reason it's easier for me mentally to say I need to drink 3-4 WaterWeek bottles versus 2-3 of my big ones. Plus, because the WaterWeek doesn't hold as much, the water is still cold when I'm finishing the bottle up versus the end water in my other bottles getting kinda warm and stale towards the end.
The bottles claim to be dishwasher safe, but wouldn't fit on our top rack. I'll admit, I was skeptical about putting them on the bottom rack but knew I needed to give it a shot to give you all an accurate review. I'm happy to report the bottles do great on the bottom rack of the dishwasher!
Here are the only complaints we had...
Me: Because the mouths are so narrow I feel like it's hard to clean them thoroughly by hand (we don't run the dishwasher every night).
Nick: The designs are pretty girly.
Nick: Not enough water to last him the day at work, so he'll stick to his usual 40oz bottle and he felt like it wasn't quite enough water when he went to play basketball.
Other than those three items, we loved them! I love being able to just grab a bottle out of the fridge before I head out the door. The very first time I went out with a bottle I got two compliments on it! The boys also have an easy time holding the bottle and drinking from it themselves without making a huge mess (like they do with the large mouth water bottles). It's been perfect when heading out to the park, off to my Weight Watchers Meeting, grocery shopping and just hanging out here at home.
WaterWeek Rundown:
Bottles are 16oz
Bottles are BPA Free
Bottles are dishwasher safe
Bottles perfect size for kid's lunch boxes are also available!
Here's the best part though - you now have a chance to win your very own WaterWeek! Contest will run through Thursday at 10pm CST and the winner will be announced Friday morning. For each of the items below that you do, please leave separate comments!
1. Tell me how you currently drink your water -
old water bottle, little paper cups, giant mug with a straw, etc.
2. Post about the giveaway on Facebook and include a link to this post.
3. Tweet about the giveaway and include a link to this post.
4. Become a follower of this blog (or tell me if you already are a follower!)
or let me know if you're a subscriber.
A very Happy Anniversary to my husband Nick! It's hard to believe it's been 7 years since that rainy morning in Maine when we got married. What a wonderful 7 years it has been though and I can't wait to see what the next 7 brings us!

I sadly drink bottled water most of the time. I really need to cut back on it. We also have purified water that I drink with ice. However, I don't do the latter enough! Those bottles are cute! :)
Just shared it on FB, too!
I'm not sure I can enter because I like in the UK... but hey, I'll tell you about my water drinking habits anyway!
Normally I just use an old water bottle that I buy maybe once a month and it's really unavoidable. This was pretty dull though so I decided a cheap way of making it look slightly better would be to use some old bits of nail varnish to make it look better. I've had a few compliments actually, and the fact that I'm completely rubbish at art shows that anybody can do it!
I should drink more water because my liquids are more often than not diet coke related...
Helen - sorry to hear about the car. Hope it's fixable cheap & quickly (okay...that was grammatically, a horrible sentence).
It's so funny that this is your giveaway because just this weekend, I've been dealing with headaches and I KNOW it's because i'm not drinking water during the day. I have a fairly large tuperware cup that I try to leave out and drink, but it doesn't fit in the cupholder of my car...and I spend a ton of time in my I don't drink as much as I should...blah blah get the picture! I'm saving the website in case I don't win. They seem reasonably priced!
...and I follow the giggler!
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I drink my water out of a Bubba Keg, but it's too big to take most places. I NEED these bottles :)
I am a follower.
That sounds very cult-like, LOL!!
Posted on FB
I posted this on FB.
Loyal Blog follower
Not being registered on Facebook, this is the only item I'll finish. I currently drink my water from a Pink for the Cure non-plastic cup which I fill with ice, then water, each morning. It holds approximately 16 oz., and that is probably the most plain water I drink each day. Along with 3 cups of milk and 4 cups of tea, I manage to work in plenty of liquids.
Facebook'ed too!
Incidentally, I look forward to reading this blog each day. Happy anniversary to you and Nick!
It would really be neat to win those bottles!:)
I drink water out of a wide bottle of water that holds 32oz. I have one at work, and one at home. It has to be one of the most unfriendly bottles for a car - that's why these would be PERFECT! Not only for me, but for my husband too - he'll get over the girly designs :)
just became a follower even though i visit EVERY day...
As for my water drinking changes from time-to-time. Most recently it has been a 32oz plastic bottle with a pop-up cap. I purchased this back in August before school started for the semester because it has a handle and is easy to carry around campus, but isn't too huge to stick in a bag and carry along with me anywhere (work, school, around town).
Just this past Saturday, my bottle developed a pretty little hole, now making it impossible to use without spilling water everywhere.
I had to pull out my 32oz BubbaKeg which is bulky and does not fit in a car cup holder. *sad face*
WaterWeek would be PERFECT right now!
just posted on facebook.
if i was a tweeter, i definitely would..
but i guess that part doesn't count, since i don't tweet.
i use a 24 oz water bottle. unfortunately it doesn't fit into any cup holders and can tend to get dirty fast because the straw-type lid is not covered. i love all the colors!
i'm a follower!
posted on facebook!
Being a mother of triplets and not really wanting them to drink soda, we refill Pepsi and Coke bottles with water. Now that the kids are 2 they are not wanting to drink clear out of something that used to be dark and flavorful. Clever little devils. But we still freeze them to take on the road in case of roadside break downs or scraps and burns.
I'm still using the big water mug they gave me in the hospital when the boys were born. I'm not very good at refilling it or remembering where I left it though! And it is not friendly in the car. These bottles look like they'd be a much better solution!
I just became one of your stalkers... ahh... followers! Our triplets are about the same age as yours!
I have a couple reuseable bottles I rotate through. I would LOVE to have a darling matching set!
I subscribe to you on google reader, does that count as following? Please say yes!
Sure thing CJ! I just edited the "rules" to include subscribers!
I could really use these. I usually buy the bottled water and I drink 2 or 3 a day. I currently work at a bottling company so my water is a little cheaper but I'm leaving my job to be a SAHM in a couple of weeks so I won't be buying the bottled water as much and I probably would drink as much water. The Waterweek bottles would probably help me get the daily water consumption that I need.
I am already a follower.
I use a Nalgene BPA 32 oz. bottle. I agree with you on the fact that now that I am SAHM I tend to drink less water. I really like the idea of these bottle since I am always grabbing a smaller water bottle when I'm on the go since the Nalgene does not fit in my purse.
As a fellow weight watcher I try to get my water in also! I have a plastic bottle I use but it has definitely seen it's better days!
I also posted on FB about this!
I drink my water out of a glass usually, but definitely have been slacking on this. Sometimes I remember to fill my gigantic Nalgene if I am going somewhere.
I posted a link on FB
I just became a follower. Love reading your blog, it is fantastic. Thought of you this morning because at BBM this morning we had a speaker about saving $ on groceries! I think I am going to start buying the paper so I can do coupons. Anyways, hope you have a great day and nothing to serious is wrong with your car!
I drink tap water by the glass when at home or from my klean kanteen bottle when I'm out and about... I can't stand to pay an arm and a leg for bottled water. My husband needs a new water bottle so I'd totally take these cute ones for me and give him my old stainless steel one :)
I drink tap water by the glass when at home or from my klean kanteen bottle when I'm out and about... I can't stand to pay an arm and a leg for bottled water. My husband needs a new water bottle so I'd totally take these cute ones for me and give him my old stainless steel one :)
I subscribe in my google reader!
How I drink my water-when I do drink it, in my big starbucks jug!
I'm a follower!
I'm a follower!
Sometimes I drink bottled water, but my dad got this 5 gallon water thingy somewhere, and we use refillable water bottles! PLUS mine broke this morning, and it stinks because that was my favorite one!!!
Oh and I follow your blog!
Love the idea of this! Currently I try and drink a couple of my 32oz reusable water bottle but it gets hard because like you mentioned by the time I get to the end the water is warm and it's A LOT of water to drink at once!
I usually either drink my water out of a cup, or out of a water bottle.
I follow you!
1. I currently drink bottled water- gasp! I'm addicted to Dasani lime essence water. I think the bottles look really neat and handy and I could use them to break my senseless habit of buying water!
2. I posted a link to my FB page already!
3. I don't twit... I don't need one more thing, LOL!
4. I'm a follower!
Unfortunately, i do not drink enough water and when I do it's just from a glass at home.
I am already a follower.
I drink about 32 oz per day and way too much coffee.
I'm already a follower.
Unfortunately, I use water bottles although I re-use them quite a few times before I recycle (although I don't think that's the healthiest thing either). I need these bottles - they look great!
I'm already a follower...want another chance to win those great water bottles!
I just Twittered (or is it Tweeted?) it!
I drink water from a disposable water bottle :) I'm horrible about recycling them too. This would be a wonderful thing for me and it will force me to drink it!
jillk77 at aol dot com
I usually drink from a plastic bottle since I buy bottled water on the way in to work or at work in the machine... but we recycle here in Maine, so I put them in the company bin to help out when done. I also get water from the machine using the disposable coffee cups, I know...I am definitely in need of something more environmentally friendly!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
happy anniversary too by the way!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
The County fair and the Halloween Haunt I went to sold 36 oz. water containers. I love it because I fill them up every day and usually can finish one by mid day. I also drink water with my dinner so by then I have gotten all my water in.
We bought a water dispenser that holds 5 gallon water bottles. We go to a water store and pay $3.00 once every two weeks to fill up our water containers. Best investment and the most yummiest tasting water (as yummy as water can get). We have wasted less water with the water dispenser.
I am a loyal follower :) and I just tweeted which is also linked to my FB page!!
I have a 28oz bottle with a straw that I just started taking to work with me everyday. At home I don't drink much water because I don't like wasting the bottled water, I usually won't finish it before it is warm because I am too busy and I don't like to drink warm water.
Just put it on my facebook page!
Oh and I am a follower now, i had thought that I already wasa but I guess I wasn't until now!!
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