Last night was bath night here and I just had to snap some pictures for you all. A week or so ago Nick started wrapping towels around the boys' waists instead of just patting them dry and turning them loose in the house. It cracks both of us up every time to see the boys walk out of the bathroom with their towels on!
Jackson (mid-spin)
Chase & Jackson
Tyler didn't make the blog because almost as soon as he dashed out of the bathroom to join the picture fun, his towel fell off!
I know it's been a while since I transferred old FreeWebs posts over here, so I'll try to do another chunk this afternoon for you! You can read old posts by clicking on "2007" under the Blog Archive header on the left hand side. Happy reading!

HA HA - I think Tyler learned from the Tyler at my house. He used to love to burst out of his towel by running full speed through the house.
Adorable... but something about having the towel wrapped around them, makes them seem older.
You have an award this morning
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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