Friday, September 11, 2009


Eight years ago today we all witnessed the horrific attacks on innocent people here in the United States. I was in college at the time (Messiah College in PA to be exact) and was filling in for an absent DJ at our college radio station (I was the student General Manager at the time). I can still vividly remember the faculty adviser coming into the studio with a print out from the AP saying it appeared a plane had accidentally hit one of the World Trade Center buildings in New York City. He said I could report it if I wanted to and that we should keep an eye on the AP wire to see if anything developed.

A few minutes later more developed for sure. News continued to stream across the AP wire and it became apparent I would have to start talking about it on air. The next 90 minutes I was on the air passed in a blur between trying to maintain composure on the air and then rushing into the adviser's office during songs so that I could watch the TV coverage of what was going on in NYC and then Washington DC and finally western Pennsylvania. I remember feeling sympathetic and amazed at the composure of those covering the events on TV - I was a nervous wreck and shaking like a leaf but could hide behind a microphone. These TV reporters were visable and had to work even harder to hide their fear and confusion!

I remember in the weeks and months to follow seeing flags everywhere, bumper stickers, hats and shirts saying we would never forget and a general influx of American pride. Where did that all go? Don't forget the men and women who protect our country both here and abroad. Don't forget the police officers and fire fighters who daily put their lives on the line to save people they don't know! If you see one of these folks, thank them for their service.

September 11th now also has a sweet memory for Nick and myself... two years ago today we finally were able to bring a child home from the hospital! You can read that story here.

Jackson & Nick 2 years ago today

Jackson & Nick today

Health Update: I apologize for forgetting to update you all yesterday! Wednesday the doctor diagnosed Tyler with an ear infection in his left ear, Jackson with one in his right ear and Chase with ear infections in both ears. We also were given a renewal for the boys' inhaler and were told to share amongst the 4 of us as needed. They seem to be slowly on the mend now that the antibiotics have kicked in and I'm feeling fine with the exception of some pesky chest congestion. Here's hoping by the end of today they're really doing better because we have lots to do this weekend!


breckholladay said...

Thank you Helen. I started today at a Pemaquid Point sunrise to remember our heroes and was reminded of what a blessing my family is and how precious life is. Once again your blog brings me to tears. Keep your cousin Meredith and Chris in your prayers today. He was in tower two and made it out but what memories he must deal with.

Amanda said...

Hey Helen! You were one of the giveaway winners a few weeks ago! I just need you to email us with all your info so we can get your prize sent out.

MamaOtwins+1 said...

Powerful post this morning - and how much power this day holds for you good and bad.

Amy said...

Thank you for this post :) That day changed the lives of so many people instantly, more than we can know. The act of the attack is still affecting lives today. 8 years ago while I watched it unfold on TV I had no idea that my son would become a US Marine and that I would be on pins and needles waiting for that phone call that he will be deployed.

Anonymous said...

It is so important to remember 9-11. I too, have wondered where our patriotism has gone. Thank you for taking this moment to remember today!

Brenda B. said...

I too have memories of dealing with what was happening while trying to work in the media (behind the scenes for me). It was a TERRIBLE day, but like you said - years later it has a new meaning. It's the day you brought Jackson home :)

Missy said...

I hope the boys are feeling better soon.

Brossettelewis said...

Gosh, I can't imagine having to absorb 9-11 and report on it at the same time. I was so useless and glued to news sources.

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