Saturday, September 8, 2007

Almost Ready to Come Home!

Originally post 9.8.07

We got some great news yesterday morning - the boys are almost ready to come home! Jackson and Tyler will be ready to come home Monday or Tuesday and if Chase picks up the pace on his feeding this weekend then he'll be ready to come home with them, otherwise he may need an extra day or two. So obviously the boys are doing quite well! Yesterday afternoon all three were moved into cribs, they're trying to take all their feedings either by me nursing them or from a bottle and if they're successful with that then their feeding tubes could be removed this weekend. Its all just happening so fast!

For those of you that have called or e-mailed, thank you for that! I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond or call you back though - I've been putting in 13 hour days at the hospital and I'm not allowed to have my phone on while in the NICU. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up with all of you over the coming weeks.



Nick and Ty

Nick changing Tyler's diaper

First time together - Tyler, Jackson & Chase


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